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O Maidens In Your Savage Season Volume 4

O Maidens In Your Savage Season Volume 4

  • Written by  Mari Okada 
  • Art by  Mari Okada 
  • Cover Art by  Mari Okada 
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Kazusa was a quiet middle schooler, but she arrived in high school determined to make friends. So (as a huge Harry Potter fan) she decides to join the literature club. When one of the club's icebreakers is 'say one thing you want to do before you die,' one of the girls blurts out 'sex.' The prudish club president, the class beauty, and the other nerdy girls' reactions are wildly different.

Far from a typical sex comedy, O Maidens in Your Savage Season depicts how these girls challenge and support one another when that word pushes them onto a variety of clumsy, funny, painful, and emotional paths towards adulthood. Mari Okada's unique talent for pairing lovable and relatable characters and emotional twists is lent new dimension by the detailed and dynamic sequential art of Nao Emoto (Forget Me Not).

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Data sheet

Series Title
O Maidens In Your Savage Season
Mari Okada
Mari Okada
Cover Artist
Mari Okada

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